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Westmoreland Paper Receives Top Award

Last week, at the awards banquet for the annual meeting of the American College of Zoological Medicine in Prague, Czech Republic, the top award for...

Residents Pass Boards

Every fall former EMC residents and graduate students venture forth to test themselves against arguably the most challenging specialty board examinations in veterinary medicine.   They...

Major Awards for Dr. Kennedy-Stoskopf

Dr. Suzanne Kennedy-Stoskopf was honored for her life long major contributions to zoological health and to key organizations that support the development of the discipline...

New Wild Carnivore Facility Video

The Wild Carnivore Facility has long been one of the very unique assets of the College of Veterinary Medicine at NC State University.  An unusual...

2017 House Officers Choosen

Once again some great young veterinarians will be traveling to NCSU to further their careers in zoological medicine.   Selected from an amazingly talented pool of...

So you want to be in movies

Lots of what we do in the EMC is interesting to others, and we want to share what we are up to.  However, making a...

New Graduate Student Focuses on Snowshoe Hares

Dr. Brett Gardner arrived in Raleigh from South Africa this most recent August ready to experience a new phase of his career as a wildlife...

Levine New MEAS Dept Head

Dr. Jay Levine, professor of epidemiology at NCSU’s CVM and a key faculty member of the EMC has agreed to take on the task of...

Stoskopf Receives Major Award

Surrounded by swimming whale sharks and beluga whales, standing before a cheering audience of over 600 colleagues, former students and a few current ones, Dr....