Clinical advances can include design and refinement of disease prevention, health maintenance, and disease control measures that improve the health of animal populations, just as they include new surgery, diagnostic or treatment techniques. EMC faculty take pride in the EMC clinical programs and the positive impact they have on our patients both in captivity and in the wild.

Captive wildlife benefit from EMC programs such as the NC Zoo Animal Health Program at the NC Zoological Park, the Aquarium Health Management Program that benefits the three NC Aquariums at Roanoke Island, Pine Knoll Shores and Fort Fisher, and the Health Management Program for the NC Museum of Natural Sciences. Each of these clinical programs is an example of creative and cutting edge health care for captive wildlife provided by EMC faculty and their students.

Delivering health management to animals in the wild can require even more ingenuity. The EMC’s marine mammal health assessment program, the sea turtle health assessment program, the NC bear health survey, and clinical work with wildlife rehabilitation centers are just a few examples of EMC clinical programs that help maintain the health of free ranging wildlife