Champions of the EMC

The EMC has many enthusiastic champions who help us in our mission in many ways.  There are no words to express the importance of their support, but we thank each of them.

Gifts in 2015

Monetary Gifts to the EMC Endowment Fund or to the EMC Endowment Income Fund give us the flexibility needed to leverege grants and other support to best implement the EMC mission.

Visionary gifts over $20,000



Kay and David Phillips

Dr. Suzanne Kennedy- Stoskopf and Michael Stoskopf


Friendgifts of $1000- $4,999

Dr. Laurel Degernes and

Juila Storm

Dr. Craig Harms

Benefactor gifts of $10,000 – $19,999 Contributorgifts of $500 – $999
Patrongifts of $5000- $9,999

Supportergifts of $50 – $99
Sponsor gifts of $500 – $999 Student Supporter gifts of $20-$49


Gifts in Kind make it possible for EMC Projects to happen right now, and are often important to their success.

Resonance Research Inc. 

ZTAU – Wild Carnivore Team


Marty Needham Construction

HoFFman Nursery

Habitat for Humanity ReStore

tobbacco Pine

Highland Lumber
Capitol City Lumber

McMaster Carr
Reel Screens of Raleigh

ZTAU Turtle Team
ZTAU Aquatics Team