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Stoskopf Receives Major Award

Surrounded by swimming whale sharks and beluga whales, standing before a cheering audience of over 600 colleagues, former students and a few current ones, Dr....

Cannedy 2016 Distinguished Tuskegee SVM Alumnus

Dr. Allen Cannedy joined a large cadre of EMC faculty this spring when he was awarded the 2016 Distinguished Alumni Service Award by his alma...

National Zoo and Aquarium Month

The United States celebrates National Zoo and Aquarium Month each June in honor of the important contributions of these institutions to our culture and the...

EMC Director Honored

Honors in scientific careers are somewhat rare, compared to some other occupations, but when they come, they are the more special and sometime come in...

Conservation Health in the Galápagos

A new selective taught by Dr. Greg Lewbart introduced a group of excited DVM students to the concepts of conservation health in a very special...

Fish Genome Has Many Uses

EMC faculty member Jeff Yoder and his graduate student Dustin Wcisel played important roles in the recently published genome sequencing of the spotted gar, an...

Cold Stun Sea Turtles Return To Gulf Stream

Another group of 39 lucky sea turtles being cared for by the Karen Beasley Sea Turtle Rescue & Rehabilitation Center for cold stun sequelae were...

Great House Officers Match with EMC

Early February is always a tense time for future clinicians as they anxiously await the national match results.  The nation’s top veterinary candidates and programs...

Heatwole becomes Emeritus

On Friday, February 12th, NCSU faculty & students gathered in the lobby of David Clark Labs to issue a very fond farewell to Dr. Harold...