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Jellyfish at the CVM?

No, unfortunately they are not on public display, but it’s true: there are live jellyfish at the College of Veterinary Medicine.  Currently a quartet of...

EMC Director Honored

Honors in scientific careers are somewhat rare, compared to some other occupations, but when they come, they are the more special and sometime come in...

Conservation Health in the Galápagos

A new selective taught by Dr. Greg Lewbart introduced a group of excited DVM students to the concepts of conservation health in a very special...

Cold Stun Sea Turtles Return To Gulf Stream

Another group of 39 lucky sea turtles being cared for by the Karen Beasley Sea Turtle Rescue & Rehabilitation Center for cold stun sequelae were...

Great House Officers Match with EMC

Early February is always a tense time for future clinicians as they anxiously await the national match results.  The nation’s top veterinary candidates and programs...

Heatwole becomes Emeritus

On Friday, February 12th, NCSU faculty & students gathered in the lobby of David Clark Labs to issue a very fond farewell to Dr. Harold...

Marine Mammal Course

Only at NCSU can DVM students spend the week before their winter holiday break studying the health management of marine mammals.  This year the added...

Three Hook Removal Success

An observant fisherman, dedicated sea turtle rehabilitators, and a highly skilled team of veterinarians combined to make it possible for a stranded loggerhead sea turtle...